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flowable composite

Fusion Flo

Light Cure Nano Hybrid Flowable Composite

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Excellent Handling Excellent Handling

CE 0123 CE 0123

Recommended, Dental Materials, Composites
2 Reviews

From 450.00

composite dental filling

Fusion Universal Composite Kit

Light Cure Nano Hybrid Universal Restorative Composite

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Bulk Fill Bulk Fill

CE 0123 CE 0123

Bestsellers, Dental Materials, Composites
4 Reviews

From 2,100.00

dental composite

Fusion Universal Refills

Light Cure Nano Hybrid Universal Restorative Composite

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Bulk Fill Bulk Fill

CE 0123 CE 0123

Dental Materials, Composites
3 Reviews


composite kit

Magma NT Kit

Nano Ceramic Universal Restorative

Nano Ceramic Nano Ceramic

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CE 0123 CE 0123

Bestsellers, Recommended, Dental Materials, Composites
5 Reviews

From 2,300.00

light cure dental composite

Magma NT Refills

Nano Ceramic Universal Restorative

Nano Ceremic Nano Ceremic

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CE 0123 CE 0123

Dental Materials, Composites
4 Reviews



It is a tooth-colored material which is used to fill in cavities. Composite dental filling provides an aesthetic appearance and is the most commonly used filling nowadays.

Flowable composite of one of the types of composite that consists of a lower filler load and is used for filling small restorations, pit & fissure sealants, etc.

As the name suggests a material that hardens when it comes in contact with light, mainly a curing light that is known as a light-cured composite.

Nano means small so it's a composite that contains nanoparticles that improve the material strength and resistance along with aesthetics.

Ceramic fillings, also known as porcelain fillings, are made from ceramic materials that mimic the natural appearance of teeth. They are durable and stain-resistant.

Bulk-filled composites are placed in bulk (Larger Increments) thereby reducing the time needed for restorative procedures.

A nanofilled composite contains nanometer-sized filler particles, which enhance the material's strength, polishability, and aesthetic properties. It is ideal for both anterior and posterior restorations.

Pit and fissure sealants help in providing a barrier to occlusal pits and fissures, thereby protecting them from caries.

The best composite kit includes a variety of shades, bonding agents, and finishing tools to achieve optimal results in dental restorations. The selection of a kit depends on the specific needs of the dental practice.

A hybrid composite resin contains a combination of macrofill and microfill particles, providing a balance between strength and polishability. 

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